6 places where you should be on your weekends if you are near Ahmedabad!

Gujarat is an incredible state with regards to it’s organised structure, kind people and less complicated travel.  In the three months spent in the capital of this state, I have been fortunate enough to explore places in and around Gujarat. Thereon, I am picking few places that promise to give you the happy high of…

5 Times I had a fling with this city again and again! |Mumbai

Aamchi Mumbai! The energetic vibe of Mumbai is tough to level up with!  You need to step out onto the streets anytime, throughout the day or night to know why. The traffic never seems to halt! If you have stayed in Mumbai over a period of time, you are surely going to experience each one…

The backpacker hostel charm of Goa-Is staying solo safe?

  I stayed in a bunk-bed hostel on my recent Goa trip for the first time and the experience was nowhere short of amazing! Buddies who went with me on the trip wanted to experience hostel stay and I tagged along, out of curiosity. The entire trip went a bit unplanned for me, I messed…

Leave a trail in the clouds – | M A T H E R A N |

A little city, high in altitude near Mumbai in Maharashtra. Have you been to the hill station known for being the smallest in India? The mighty clouds hovering over it will make you question the smallness though. Pack your backpacks and get ready to have a hectic but memorable trek in the heart of Maharashtra….

Have you visited the coast carved out of the hills?

|| L A V A S A || The idea of a city created around a dam and some mesmerizing mountains thankfully came to an entrepreneur. You got the first man-made amazing hill-station post Indian freedom in the heart of the Western Ghats in return. You can visit the distant Italian town of Portofino instead,…

The Journey Begins

I have chosen to share my journey from hereon instead of keeping it under covers. Finding friends in a hopeless place made the journey half easy. One of my friends would say, “Travel is what keeps me sane in an insane world”. I am thankful to have lived these golden words in a short span…